Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Movie Review: Benji

I haven't done a sports movie review on this blog yet, but after what I saw last night, I feel the need to. ESPN's 30 For 30 series, which is maybe the only thing I can't criticize about them, showed a documentary last night that brought tears to my eyes. A couple other ones I've seen there have done the same, but I won't get into that right now.

Monday, October 22, 2012


I haven't been here on a minute, since I've been so damn busy with school. Today, I celebrate 20 years on this Earth. In my lifetime, I've seen a lot and done a lot. Here, I'd like to make a list of something that I've thought about in my life.

Monday, October 8, 2012

What If?

I usually don't like thinking about the "what if" or "only if" situations in sports over the years, but there are some occasions when I cannot help it. This is one of those times. I've come up with a list of them, but this is different in that this will be driven by you, the readers, and you can come up with your own conclusions that you can either leave in the comment section or tweet them to me (@WestCoastAR).

WARNING: These may bring back bad memories.