Wednesday, August 1, 2012

A Love Letter to Skip Bayless

(I) fuck with your soul like ether, (Will) teach you- the king- you know you, (Not) God's Son across the belly, (Lose) I prove you lost already

-Nas, "Ether"

Dear Skip, 

Where do I begin? You brighten up our screens on First Take every morning with your in depth analysis about various subjects in sports. Ah, who am I kidding? You stand for everything I fucking despise about the media and ESPN. Your endless sucking off of Tim Tebow, who is a good kid, a nice kid, but by the way, but here's the thing, HE CAN'T FUCKING THROW!!! Your idiocy has reached new heights lately. Some of the shit that is coming out of your mouth, I cannot believe. You're supposed to be educated, yet you sound like a 4th grader who got regular milk instead of chocolate. Here is a sampling of your recent tweets:

Where do I even begin? Michael Phelps not an all-time great athlete? Are you out of your fucking mind? Count the medals, Skip. Count the motherfuckin' medals. 19 medals don't happen by accident, that's for goddamn sure. And this Kobe stuff? I can go all day with this. Kobe losing it? The rest of the NBA and his teammates on Team USA don't seem to think so. Kobe's suddenly a sorry motherfucker after a couple of rough playoff games? He's human. He's not gonna give it to you all the goddamn time.  Kobe threatened by talk of LeBron's team? That's not what I've been hearing from Team USA. Ask them yourselves. They'll tell you who's in charge. Outrageous statements? He says a couple of out of the ordinary things, and suddenly, he's batshit crazy? and this last one, Kobe will hate having Nash pass the ball to others? I don't think he gives as much of a fuck as long as the Lakers are racking up W's. What exactly is your beef with the Mamba? Is it that he's got a shot at a 6th, tying MJ, and you feel threatened? Get real. Even if Kobe gets #6, in no way do I believe he's better than MJ, and I'm as big a Lakers and Kobe fan as you'll ever find. Though I do feel he is the closest we will ever see.

You are also one of the most hypocritical people I have ever seen, as evidenced by these tweets:

So, let me get this straight, to you, Mike Vick is an arrogant son of a bitch for saying the Eagles have the talent and capability to win a couple of Super Bowls, and Ryan Kalil is confident for buying an ad in the paper guaranteeing the Panthers will win the Super Bowl. I won't argue that Mike Vick, who has been a longtime favorite of mine, has had some injury issues and is an injury risk with his style of play, because there is some truth to that. I like Kalil, one of the best offensive linemen in the game, former USC Trojan (Fight On!), and I LOVE Killa Cam, as I call him, and think he has an extremely bright future in the NFL. I think both the Eagles and Panthers are loaded with talented players, especially on the offensive end. But for you to say that one is arrogant, while the other is confident, for essentially saying the same thing? That is the height of hypocrisy. I hope, no, I pray to God, Mike leads the Eagles to the Super Bowl, they win, Mike has the greatest Super Bowl performance of all time, and wins Super Bowl MVP just to see this shit blow up in your fucking face. 

Even LeBron, much as I dislike him, I gave him his due and I gave him some fucking credit after Miami won the NBA Finals, despite the fact I viewed the officiating for most of the series as questionable, despite the fact I was rooting hard for OKC and had a strong hate for Miami. You, on the other hand, still don't, which I think is stupid. I am no fan of LeBron, but I was able to see past my hate of him to give him his due when it was necessary. I still don't like LeBron, in fact, I still hate him and make jokes about his hairline. But my point is here, I am able to realize when I was wrong about something, unlike you. 

There's other things I don't even want to get into, such as your unhealthy man-crushes on the San Antonio Spurs and Dallas Cowboys, but I don't have the time for that shit. My point is here, your credibility is shaky, and I think I'm being generous with that. So, Skip, all I have left to say is, please, shut the fuck up.


Alexander J. Reyes

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